Every Post Ever
Loading large amounts of data performantly using Node.js Streams
What kind of code belongs in a utils folder in your REST API?
The difference between project structure, design, and architecture
In what layer does request validation go in a Node REST API?
What is the difference between Middleware and Controllers in Node REST APIs?
What is the difference between a job queue and worker threads?
Using a task queue vs. just not waiting for Promise to resolve
Using GitHub to determine work-life balance at potential new jobs
Setting up your Node package to be run from the command-line
Set up your Node project to run tests locally and on CircleCI
Awaiting or just returning asynchronous values in JavaScript async/await functions
Possibly the greatest value in having tests for your code is...
Using functional programming to avoid intermediate variables and nested functions
Lessen the pain of mocking/stubbing by writing smaller JavaScript functions for easier unit testing
Why would you download a Docker image vs. just building from the Dockerfile for local dev?
How to pitch your skills as a developer in a way that aligns with a company's needs
A better way to sell your skills as a developer than just "hire me!" or mass applying
Should you log the Express req object and external API responses?
Executing arrays of async/await JavaScript functions in series vs. concurrently
Applying the callback -> async/await conversion process to a real-world example
Why should you separate Controllers from Services in Node REST API's?
What is the difference between Controllers and Services in Node REST API's?
Real world testing: Using business and technical requirements to know what to test
How to rewrite a callback function in Promise form and async/await form in JavaScript
expect(await fn()) vs await expect(fn()) for error tests with chai-as-promised
Why you should isolate Express from the rest of your Node application
Real world testing recipes: Node service that calls an external API
Project structure for an Express REST API when there is no "standard way"
Avoid manually prepending '/api' to every Express route with this simple method
How to find the best open source Node.js projects to study for leveling up your skills
Why isn't this unit test catching an error from this async/await function?
Know what to test using these recipes: Node service that calls a database
Tried TDD and didn't realize the benefits? Try it the next time you get writer's block
Using the `debug` module to avoid polluting your application logs with logs from Node modules
Should you use a logging framework or console.log() in Node?
Using a designated point person in the office to bridge the distributed employee gap
Questions to anticipate when asking your manager if you can start working remotely
How long do new developers need to work at an office job before going remote?
How to determine if that remote developer job will throw you in the deep end or not
How to use your on-site trips strategically as a remote employee
Closing connections and returning results using node-oracledb